Tuesday 28 June 2016

NON TOXIC Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner

Today we are all trying to do our best for the environment.
An easy way to do this AND save a ton of money, is to make your own cleaning products.

The price we pay for a spray bottle of toxic chemicals is astounding.
Not only is it harmful to the environment, but it's harmful to us too!!

Take a look at the back of one of the bottles of cleaning solutions you have purchased....
Can you even pronounce some of those chemicals?
Do you know what they are used for?

We buy these products because we see them advertised on t.v. or in magazines or because of their cute little ads on the computer.
Well.....STOP IT !

All you really need is a safe, NON TOXIC homemade cleaner for almost every basic cleaning job.

You probably have everything you need in the kitchen right now.

Let's do our part for the environment and for ourselves.
Let's face it.... 
Do we really want our children exposed to all these harmful chemicals?
Do you want to breath in all that stuff either?
I didn't think so.

Try this instead.

2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp Dawn dish soap
4 tbsp white vinegar
1 3/4 cups of warm water.

Put in a spray bottle and shake

That's it. Isn't that easy?

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